How good is your marketing?
See how good of a marketer you are. How effective are you when it comes to promoting your products and services? Are you doing all you can to drive sales?
Take this quick Citibank quiz to find out how your current marketing efforts measure up.
(Score your answers as follows: 1 = Yes, 0 = No)
1) Do you have a marketing plan?
2) Do you dedicate time each month to review marketing efforts and plan future promotions?
3) Do you look at your competitors’ advertising and marketing to see how yours compares?
4) Do you have a line item in your budget for advertising and marketing?
5) When you have to cut expenses from your budget, do you ensure that there is still money left for marketing?
6) Do you measure your marketing tools regularly to gauge their effectiveness?
7) Do you conduct research to help identify new markets and better serve current customers?
8) Do you have a professionally designed web site?
9) Do you send press releases about your business to trade publications and the news media?
10) Do you make an effort to keep up-to-date on marketing trends?
Know Your Score:
8-10: Well Done: You know who your customers are and how to reach them with your marketing messages.
4-7: Take Some Notes: You have a little room for improvement. By increasing your focus on marketing, you could see big improvements in the bottom line in 2007.
1-3: Start Marketing: Marketing your business could help you better stand out from the competition.

(Score your answers as follows: 1 = Yes, 0 = No)
1) Do you have a marketing plan?
2) Do you dedicate time each month to review marketing efforts and plan future promotions?
3) Do you look at your competitors’ advertising and marketing to see how yours compares?
4) Do you have a line item in your budget for advertising and marketing?
5) When you have to cut expenses from your budget, do you ensure that there is still money left for marketing?
6) Do you measure your marketing tools regularly to gauge their effectiveness?
7) Do you conduct research to help identify new markets and better serve current customers?
8) Do you have a professionally designed web site?
9) Do you send press releases about your business to trade publications and the news media?
10) Do you make an effort to keep up-to-date on marketing trends?
Know Your Score:
8-10: Well Done: You know who your customers are and how to reach them with your marketing messages.
4-7: Take Some Notes: You have a little room for improvement. By increasing your focus on marketing, you could see big improvements in the bottom line in 2007.
1-3: Start Marketing: Marketing your business could help you better stand out from the competition.
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