From Citibank: 8 Ways to build your business without breaking the bank

1) Start a Blog—Gain exposure as an expert in your field by starting a blog. A blog lets you interact with your customers and prospects. You can share your expertise and get valuable feedback from the marketplace. Best of all, setting up a blog is easy and free. Visit Blogger to set up a free blog and get started.
2) Offer Incentives—Give away a gift card or prize every week. Consumers respond well to the chance of winning something and a fun prize offers an extra incentive to buy today.
3) Be Charitable—Offer to donate a percentage of sales to a worthy charity during a defined promotional period. Your customers feel better about their purchase and you get to associate your brand with a good cause.
4) Give a “Customer of the Month” Award—Recognize your customers and show how much you appreciate them by honoring a “Customer of the Month” with an inexpensive certificate or prize. These awards can go a long way toward building relationships.
5) Create Your Own Holiday—Start a holiday that ties into your business and make a real event out of it. Celebrate “National Muffin Day,” “Sofa Appreciation Day,” or something similar and promote the occasion with publicity and special deals.
6) Get Out and Speak—Volunteer to give free seminars for local organizations on a topic related to your business. You’ll get more exposure in the community and establish a reputation as an expert.
7) Use Mobile Advertising—Put your business name and contact information on your vehicle and on your employees’ uniforms. You never know who might see your logo on the back of a t-shirt in the street or on the car next to them when they’re stuck in traffic.
8) Sponsor a Community Event—Find a local event that your customers attend and become a sponsor. There are sponsorship opportunities large and small. Support the local Little League, the community theater or trivia night at the neighborhood pub.